When the Carthage R-9 School Foundation was started over 20 years ago, the goal was to help provide teachers and students with the things that were outside the budget of the school district. In the year 2017, we find that the goals have not changed, only become stronger! With our help, I am pleased to announce that this school district has built 6 new facilities to accommodate the needs of our growing school district, helped establish programs such as Bright Futures to feed the hungry students of Carthage, and established over 25 scholarships to give away to graduating seniors.
This vision showed us all that a successful endeavor yields its own set of rewards for years to come. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing groups of people work together to achieve a common goal. With the help of the community, alumni, businesses, the school district and the Carthage R-9 School Foundation, we have made education and the opportunity to succeed a priority in Carthage, Missouri. Never before has there been so many avenues to success for our students and teachers, and it makes me proud to know that the Carthage R-9 School District is setting the standard for classes, activities and facilities.
As your Foundation Director, I am proud to not only be a member of the Carthage Community, but to claim a husband that is a valuable member of the school district's teaching and coaching staff, and a daughter that has reaped the benefits of attending our schools.
I encourage you all to get involved and volunteer, donate or just use your voice help us make the Foundation's work the best that it can be!
Thank you,
Crystal D. Brown,
Carthage R-9 School Foundation Director